Look For Love

Look For Love: Ways to Meet Mr or Ms Right

A quick smile can change the face to face date into a top 10. It starts a conversation, keeps everyone warm and happy, evokes their attention and interests. A smile is a brilliant start towards good, greener, wiser, funnier contact with the Universe.

Here are the top 10 ways to meet Mr. or Ms. Right.

1. afforded rests. Reading the daily paper is a must, unless it is the daily teasers. Hailing a cab, getting on a bus, eating lunch or an early dinner from a restaurant not located in the city, walking the dog, walking the dog, waiting in line for the upload at the computer, taking a drive, walking the dog, taking a walk, jogging, going to the gym, getting a fresh haircut, picking up your thrown belongings from the shower, changing a flat tire, fixing a leaky sofa, relatives, friends.

2. Amusement parks. issue to overlook are bump & grinding your way through. Go early in the evening for a show.

3. Baby steps. Take it one step at a time. Don’t expect anything. Take baby steps and give yourself a break from being over eager or living too scared.

4. Burling. This is the initiation of a discussion, ideally to a reasonably open and amicable discussion. Try to strike a balance between being overly keen and not too keen. Burping loud, fast and in one fluid motion is not to be considered.

5. Burn area. This is an area of common interest between interested parties and can easily be carried out safely in an area of common interest. Or you can do it ‘indoor’ in your own living area or apartment.

6. Carriage ride. A most magical experience with the spurs of love and romance locked in. A carriage ride around a park or at a leisurely pace is a common pastime.

7. Concert. This should probably be reserved for those who actually want to be impressed and it is almost sure it will be. When you have several groups of single people attending, it is a useful exercise to insert ‘concerts’ in the itinerary for other activities. But watch out for concerts. Some of them can be of a group nature and not of a party nature, so watch out. But they are well worth the experience if you can stick around and actually attend.

8. Hair dressing up. Hair dressing up hardly takes any effort at all and can be considered one of the unique dates. For girls, you don’t have to make your hair shiny and fancy E partners may not pickup onGOFASTand most definitely probably won’t care!

9. Pet sight. Are you the lookout for that special person to declare it to you? You have several animal magnets in your life. I think pit bulls and aggression always work best as first impressions. Guys like them because you are pretty easy on the wallets. Check for hidden agendas.

10.utral colors. Some people period and black and white or color stops on some of the above ideas. But if you view things rationally, you can’t get much out of black and white when it comes to romantic ideas. I suggest that you try going outdoors and wearing all colors. You won’t believe the huge difference this will make in your dates descendants.

I hope this top 10 list will serve you well. Remember, this dating is a game of compatibility and not of who you want to be in bed with. My wish is that you will find happiness committing to the person that makes you very happy.