Great Questions

9 Great Questions to Get to Know Someone

Great Questions – Getting to know someone is a fundamental aspect of building relationships. Whether it’s for business or personal reasons, having a genuine conversation can help you establish a deeper connection with the person. However, starting a conversation can sometimes be intimidating, especially if you don’t know where to begin. That’s why we’ve compiled a list of nine great questions to get to know someone.

9 Great Questions

  1. What do you like to do in your free time? This is a great icebreaker question that can help you get to know someone’s hobbies and interests. You might discover that you share common interests, which could lead to future conversations and hangouts.
  2. What’s the last book you read? Asking about someone’s reading habits can give you a glimpse into their personality and thought processes. It also provides an opportunity for the person to recommend a book that you might enjoy.
Great Questions
Great Questions
  1. What’s your favorite travel destination? Travel is a great conversation starter, and asking someone about their favorite travel destination can give you insight into their personality and interests. You might also get some ideas for your next vacation!
  2. What’s your favorite food? Food is a universal topic that can bring people together. Asking someone about their favorite food can lead to conversations about their culture, favorite restaurants, and cooking preferences.
  3. What’s the most interesting place you’ve ever been? This question can lead to stories about unique experiences and memorable moments. It’s a great way to learn about the person’s travel history and discover new places to visit.
  4. What’s your favorite movie or TV show? Entertainment is a great way to connect with someone. Asking about their favorite movie or TV show can lead to discussions about actors, genres, and storylines. You might even discover a new show to binge-watch together!
  5. What’s something you’re passionate about? This question allows the person to share something they care deeply about, whether it’s a cause, a hobby, or a personal project. It’s a great way to learn about the person’s values and goals.
  6. What’s a skill you’d like to learn? Asking about someone’s aspirations can lead to discussions about self-improvement and personal development. It’s a great way to learn about the person’s goals and ambitions.
  7. What’s something that makes you laugh? Laughter is a great way to break the ice and create a comfortable atmosphere. Asking about what makes the person laugh can lead to discussions about comedy, entertainment, and personal experiences.

In conclusion, these nine questions can help you get to know someone on a deeper level. By asking about their interests, experiences, and aspirations, you can establish a connection and build a strong relationship. So the next time you’re struggling to start a conversation, try one of these questions, and you might be surprised at how quickly the conversation flows.

Great Questions